Robust Principle Component Analysis¶
While PCA is a powerful technique, it’s less reliable when just a sparse set of data points are grossly corrupted, and so the goal of RPCA is to identify and remove outliers by separating the data matrix into the sum of a low rank and sparse matrix. For example, consider the low rank matrix from the matrix completion example with a few entries changed
1 &\color{purple}{\textbf{17}}& 3 & 4\\
3 & 6 &\color{purple}{\textbf{7}}& 12 \\
5 & 10 & 15 & \color{purple}{\textbf{2}} \\
7 & \color{purple}{\textbf{3}} & 21 & 28 \\
1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
3 & 6 & 9 & 12 \\
5 & 10 & 15 & 20 \\
7 & 14 & 21 & 28 \\
& -15 & & \\
& & -2& \\
& & & 18\\
& 11 & & \\
RPCA solves the nonconvex optimization problem:
\underset{L,S\in \mathbb{R}^{d_1,d_2}}{\text{minimize }}& \text{rank}(L)+\lambda_0 ||S||_0\\
\text{subject to} & L+S=M
import numpy as np
from spalor.models import RPCA
A = np.random.randn(50, 1).dot(np.random.randn(1,30))
S = np.random.rand(*A.shape)<0.1
rpca=RPCA(n_components=1, sparsity=0.1)
print("Denoised matrix error: \n", np.linalg.norm(rpca.to_matrix()-A)/np.linalg.norm(A))
print("Outliersm error: \n", np.linalg.norm(rpca.outliers_-S)/np.linalg.norm(S))
Denoised matrix error:
Outliersm error: