CUR and CX decomposions¶
Given a large, low rank matrix, CX decomposition selects a subset of columns and finds a representation of the original matrix in terms of the selected columns. For a given matrix, \(A\) with \(n\) rows and \(d\) columns, the decomposition is, \(A=CX\) where \(C\) is a \(d \times n_c\) matrix, whose columns are all columns in \(A\), and \(X\) is a \(n_c \times n\) that minimizes \(||A-CX||_F^2\).
For example, consider the following matrix:
If we chose the first two columns as \(C\), the CX decomposition would be:
CUR decompositions work in a very similiar way, but also selects a subset of rows in addition to columns. For a given matrix, \(A\) with \(n\) rows and \(d\) columns, the decomposition is, \(A=CUR\) where \(C\) is a \(d \times n_c\) matrix, whose columns are all columns in \(A\), and \(R\) is a \(n_r \times n\) whose rows are all rows in \(A\), and \(U\) is the \(n_c \times n_r\) matrix that minimized that minimizes \(||A-CUR||_F^2\).
Using the same example, a CUR decomposition of \(A\) could be:
CX and CUR decompositions can be done with any set of rows or columns. One way to select rows and columns is by calculating the leverage score of each row and columns. The leverage score is a measure of how important each row (or column) is when constructing the low-rank approximation of a matrix. Once the leverage scores have been calculated, we can randomly sample rows (or columns) using the leverage scores as probabilities.
Calculated the leverage scores exactly requires computing the truncated SVD, but the can be approximated quickly and accurately.
The CX
import numpy as np
from spalor.models import CX
A=np.array([[1, 1, 2, 2],
[2, 1, 3, 5],
[1, 2, 3, 1],
[3, 1, 4, 8]])
X=cx.fit_transform(A, cols=[0,1])
print("C:\n", cx.C)
print("X:\n", X)
print("columns used: \n", cx.cols)
[[1 1]
[2 1]
[1 2]
[3 1]]
[[1 1]
[2 1]
[1 2]
[3 1]]
columns used:
[0, 1]
print("C:\n", cx.C)
print("X:\n", X)
print("columns used: \n", cx.cols)
[[2 2]
[5 5]
[1 1]
[8 8]]
[[2 2]
[5 5]
[1 1]
[8 8]]
columns used:
[3 3]
import numpy as np
from spalor.models import CUR
A=np.array([[1, 1, 2, 2],
[2, 1, 3, 5],
[1, 2, 3, 1],
[3, 1, 4, 8]], dtype=float)
cur = CUR(n_rows=2, n_cols=2)
print("C:\n", cur.C)
print("U:\n", cur.U)
print("R:\n", cur.R)
print("columns used: \n", cur.cols)
print("rows used: \n", cur.rows)
[[2. 2.]
[3. 5.]
[3. 1.]
[4. 8.]]
[[-0.05 0.4 ]
[ 0.15 -0.2 ]]
[[3. 1. 4. 8.]
[1. 2. 3. 1.]]
columns used:
[array([2, 3])]
rows used:
[array([3, 2])]
Computing leverage sores¶
from spalor.matrix_tools import leverage_score
import numpy as np
A=np.array([[1, 1, 2, 2],
[2, 1, 3, 5],
[1, 2, 3, 1],
[3, 1, 4, 8]], dtype=float)
print(leverage_score(A, k=2, axis=1))
[0.05172414 0.18965517 0.31034483 0.44827586]
print(leverage_score(svdA, k=2, axis=1))
[0.05172414 0.18965517 0.31034483 0.44827586]
print(leverage_score(A, k=2, axis=1, method="approximate"))
[0.08855471 0.00874692 0.09747291 0.80522546]